Filter less AC Duct Mounted Indoor Air Quality Solution for Centrally Air Conditioned areas

We are a research & innovation driven organization in the field of Indoor Air Quality, with a vision of healthy air for all. Our values driven approach towards business & our passion to contribute positively towards the healthy life of as many people as possible, forms the basis & the driving force behind all our plans, actions, executions & aspirations.

Hence, under the able guidance & leadership of our group chairman Sh. Arun Kumar Arora, genuine value addition, energy efficiency, sustainability, extremely long effective life, constant cross check mechanism & impeccable service back up have been the primary concerns behind all our R&D activities.

We are glad to be able to get technical inputs & contributions from few of the most respected & decorated HVAC consultants, Engineers, environmentalists & indoor air quality specialists.

We urge entire HVAC & IAQ fraternity and the related decision makers to join our pursuit as we are glad to introduce our flagship product, which is not only a product but a comprehensive solution in itself. However we are simultaneously working on some of the other, unique standalone air purification & ventilation related products, which we would keep on rolling out to provide suit all your IAQ requirements.

India's First most broad spectrum, energy efficient & hassle free Indoor Air Quality & indoor pollution control equipment that manages to bring down air-born infection, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) & particulate count to minimum. Adair AHU is a result of innovation, originated out of necessity, driven by a vision of healthy air for all and outcome of solution based approach & extensive research. Air pollution is world's top environmental health risk, as per Global Burden of disease estimate by WHO & indoor air in any centrally air conditioned building can be 2-10 times more contaminated than the outdoor air. Central Air conditioning systems provide us relief from the extreme temperatures. However the dark & high humidity environment along with comfortable temperature within the AHU also turns it into a breeding ground for microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, mould and mildew. As per a survey conducted by Artemis Hospital, the foul indoor air is leading to cause Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, Anxiety, Chest tightness, Shortness of Breath, Sore-throat, nose irritation, Lower Oxygen Levels in Blood, Which slows reflexes making people sleepy, & confused, Respiratory Infections, Irritation of the Lungs, Cough, Anemia, High Blood pressure, shaking of hands & feet, Mood-swings, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, permanent damage to vital organs including Brain, Heart & Kidney, Lung damage, neurological disorders, cancer, memory problems, etc. Hence, it is extremely important to take care these pollutants on real-time basis for maintaining a healthy environment in centrally air conditioned areas.

Evaluated & recommended by Society of Indoor Environment

(An ace body of globally renowned environmentalists & academicians, dedicated to the cause of framing policies & guidelines & evaluating technologies for ensuring safe to breathe indoor environment).